Hoang Anh


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Techcombank QR Transfer & payment

UX Researcher | Product Designer

When customers use cash or transfer to pay for their friends or a shop to buy stuffs, it’s inconvenient and time-consuming because they have to fill in the receiver account information such as bank name, account number, amount, etc manually...

The context

When users use the transfer feature to pay for a shop or a friend, it’s inconvenient and time-consuming because they have to fill in the receiver account information such as bank name, account number, amount, etc manually.

Shop owner
At some stores, the owner does not provide POS as a payment method (they don’t have enough budget). They encourage people to use cash or transfer money.
They usually put a tentcard with payment info (such as account number, bank, etc..) on the table.

Technical availabilities and business opportunities

At that moment, Techcombank was one of the very first banks to partner with VietQR (A payment solution from NAPAS). This opens many chances for us to solve the user problems about inconvenience in normal transfer and cash payment.

On the other hand, to support business our leaders decided to build the first TCB QR experiences.

Internal transfer by QR is the solution that fit the problems from both side: consumers and shop owners (Techcombank users)

Research insights

  • Users rarely use QR, except if any promo is added.
  • Users only be aware of QR payment via banking apps with the VNPAY logo.
  • Transferring money via banking apps is a normal behavior for users but it really takes time, especially when they rush.

Shop owners
  • Small shop owners encourage their customers to use cash or transfer money.
  • They usually put a tent card with payment info (such as account number, bank, etc..) on the table.
  • Take time to check transaction status every time their customer transfer.

The Design Challenge

For consumers
How might we help users (TCB customers) make payments easier, more trustworthy, and faster than cash and transfer?

For Shop Owners
How might we help shop owners (TCB customers) save budget and support their business by simplifying payment experiences?


  • QR transfer: Allow user to scan other’s QR code to transfer 
  • Share QR: Allow user to share their QR code to request money from others

Testing result

  • Most of users interacted with protoype fluently.
  • All users found the “scan to pay” quick access on home screen app.
  • Most of users felt safety and comfortable when they used FaceID to login after clicked on the “scan to pay” quick access on the pre-login screen.

What needs to improvement

  • Should consider to make a default account and auto change account to help users make payment easier.
  • Should provide the dynamic QR on bill to shortern the process: Add amount, message, etc...

Pilot phase

We ran a quick campaign in 2 weeks for 40 shop owners (TCB customers) and the result was positive:

  • Users (Who use QR) now be aware of TCB QR.
  • Users who transfer and use cash to pay now can scan the QR code from the store.
  • The promo code is still the top motivation to user use Scan to pay. We need to encourage users to use QR transfer by promo as the first step to build their habit.

Next steps

  • Launch the first release of TCB QR transfer with promo campaigns.
  • Adding an editable amount & message (Dynamic QR) to the QR code so the user can pay faster and safer
  • Auto swap account that has an available balance to help user pay faster.
  • Work with partner to acquire stores to launch QR payment in the next phase.

Thank you for reading