Hoang Anh


About me


(+84) 345 957 888

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About me

Hoang Anh Nguyen

Product Designer | Meme Lover

Hey there! I'm a Vietnamese-born designer who lives a freestyle life and is passionate about digital product design.

With 6 years of hands-on experience in digital products, my primary aim as a product designer is to craft solutions that seamlessly merge customer desirability, business viability, and technical feasibility.

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Skill sets

UX Research
  • Attend usability testing regularly and participate in active testing, reviewing and interpreting basic survey results, collecting data, and gleaning basic insights.
  • Observe users in action and can articulate behaviors. Understand the core variables of usability testing (discoverability, learnability, orientation, comprehension, task success, satisfaction).
  • Support team members and leads the creation, application, and synthesis of qual and quantitative research.

UX Design
  • Create design hypotheses and testing scenarios for the usability tests.
  • Create basic user storyboards based on research and personas.
  • Create empathy maps and other basic forms of user need analysis.
  • Create screen flows that clearly and exhaustively communicate the feature and its use cases.
  • Host or participate in ideation workshops.
  • Plan and facilitate design workshops with the squad at every stage of the design thinking and delivery process.

Visual Design
  • Understand the formal elements of design and can collaborate with other designers with sensitivity to these.
  • Make design choices that support visual hierarchy, clarity, brand values, and emotion.
  • Create UI, layouts, and presentations that are well-balanced, aesthetically pleasing, and simple to use and understand.

Interaction Design
  • Create high-fidelity prototyping, micro-interaction design, and animation (including code output in tools such as Lottie).

UX Writing
  • Understand core UX copy principles and collaborates on the creation of clear and concise copy for our users.
  • Create testable copy for prototypes and customer tests. Work with UX researchers to create and respond to IA testing and prototyping (card sorting and tree testing).
